Wembley’s – The Saltie


“Thanks to the recent wave of cooking shows, it’s common knowledge that salt can be an excellent addition to chocolate. We’ve taken that idea, supercharged it, and made it as Australian as it can be! Our 2 ingredient 70% dark chocolate made with cocoa beans from White’s Cocoa in the Cassowary Valley, Queensland, and topped with a blend of Murray River salt flakes and dried Saltbush leaves. Our Australian cocoa beans have rich flavours of Turkish delight, cherry, coconut, and with deep cocoa notes; combine that with the umami packed salt flavours of river salt and saltbush, and you’ve got one of the most satisfying and delicious flavour explosions in your mouth.”

Ingredients; cocoa beans, raw cane sugar, saltbush, Murray river salt flakes


Out of stock

Additional information

Weight50 g
Percentage cacao



Beans (origin)

Produced in

Josh and Suzy Stacey are soon to be famous on Sydney's Northern Beaches.  They started Wembley's chocolate in 2023. One year later, they already have 26 unique bars and have just moved into their shop / chocolate factory on the main road of Brookvale.  There is a lot of work to do but they have a vision for the space and you can tell it's going to rock - Josh described it as a fusion of "punk and modern art".  The experimental influences are evident in the chocolate line up, they're creating new bars faster than we can try them and it's all about testing and figuring out what resonates best with their local market. We can't wait to see it come to life. See more