Luisa Abram – Caputo’s Wild Jurua 70%


Wild Chocolate. If you haven’t listened the podcast of this name, stop everything and find it now. It’s the most well produced chocolate podcast since The Slow Melt.

In that podcast you’ll hear about the trials and tribulations of the world of “wild cacao” – from Bolivia to Brazil, the hunt for the perfect beans is a challenging and rewarding endeavour.

Captuo’s market in the US partnered with Luisa Abram to keep one of these special cacaos alive & available. We know craft chocolate and transparency in the cacao market makes a big impact to cacao communities. The creation of this bars, and audible record of this, is one do the most direct impacts we’ve seen.

Enjoy this bar knowing you’re part of something special.

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Additional information

Percentage cacao



Beans (origin)

Produced in

Luisa Abram was started as a family company in 2014. The company has four partners - Luisa, who looks after tempering, moulding & wrapping of the bars, her father Andre, who does the roasting and grinding of the bars, his wife Miriam who looks after finance & logistics, while Andrea (Luisa’s older sister) who helps with legal advice.They specialise in using cocoa that is collected wild from the Amazon Rain-forest, recognising that paying a fair price for cocoa incentivises preservation of the rain-forest. See more