Good Boy – Native paperbark smoked dark chocolate


Alexandro’s 70% Peruvian dark chocolate single origin smoked with native Australian paperbark.

“Paperbark has been used for thousands of years by Aboriginal Australian; They would wrap their food inside the Paperbark before cooking it over the fire. Following the same technique, we did our best to apply this cooking method to chocolate. We first wrap the cocoa beans in the Paperbark, ignite it with fire and place the whole thing in the oven for the usual roast. To intensify the smoked flavour we also used a smoke gun to diffuse Paperbark smoke inside the stone grinder while it was running, leaving it with the lid in order to trap the smoke in it for as long as possible.”


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Additional information

Weight75 g
Percentage cacao

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Beans (origin)

Produced in

Alessandro Luppolo is a pastry chef who has worked on 4 continents.  He's worked with chocolate for many years but always as something "ready to use" when he started learning about where chocolate came from and how it was made he couldn't help but try making some himself.  That's when the love of chocolate takes hold.  Alessandro is passionate about make every bar make a difference and making every small batch of chocolate supremely special. Bringing to the table some unique perspectives from the kitchen, his interesting flavours are exciting,  All the bars are wrapped in locally made dodgy paper which are hand made by the Pulp Professor who's motto is “every sheet has a story”. It's perfect because every chocolate bar tells a story too - what's in your hand?NOTE: Good Boy Chocolate has become Alessandro Luppolo chocolate. See more